Illustration by Chelsea Lam

Letters From the Editors

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Upon applying to journalism, I never expected the feeling of wholesomeness that would follow me throughout my years. My pride resides in a place greater than the newspaper issues: the staff. My greatest accomplishment from writing for the newspaper is not any award or recognition I earned, but the relationships I formed. 

My favorite memories involve the staff settling in to conquer the late hours of deadlines. Whether working at school last year or at home now, deadlines were never silent. Loud laughs, karaoke nights, and exasperated groans were my beloved normal. Exhaustion laced our shoulders, and the steady droop of eyelids contrasted hyperactive thoughts. 

My gratitude because of these experiences goes unparalleled. There are no doubts in my mind of the staff’s future in continuing the newspaper’s legacy. I have confidence in the work that will be done. Each member is deserving of recognition, and I feel blessed to have witnessed the overwhelming talent in this group. 

Amanda Lerma

2020-21 Editor-in-Chief, Digital

Eight issues of the newspaper later, I am writing this having never stepped foot into H2 this year. When I signed up for the Editor-in-Chief position, I hoped for a miracle that the pandemic would simmer down, and we’d be able to resume life where we left off. Obviously, that vision did not come to fruition, and The Matador remains socially distanced.

Still, I am beyond proud of all the work that we’ve done. In a bittersweet way, I undoubtedly miss the in-person deadlines filled with clamors of exhaustion and collective suffering. But knowing that everyone continues to put their best foot forward, no matter the circumstances or setting, is especially uplifting.

I owe a special thanks to the entire staff because The Matador would not exist without all of your hard work. To the seniors, I wish that our last year on this team would have concluded in a more traditional manner, but I know that we are all off to amazing things. And to the underclassmen, continue to keep the spirit of newspaper alive, and I adore each and every one of you for trying your best.

Qilin Li

2020-21 Editor-in-Chief, Print

Hello! Whether you are a reader of The Matador or a staffer, thank you very much for taking the time to read our final issue of the year.

To the community, I wanted to express my gratitude for helping our publication team function. Without you, our paper would only be so meaningful. Through constant engagement, we were able to understand what piqued the minds of our school body and ultimately write what matters.

To the staffers, thank you for being a group of such amazing, hardworking, and resilient individuals. Through a pandemic and unprecedented learning and work environments, you all overcame challenges and made it to the finish line—Issue 9.

I know that many did not want to school year to begin and end this way, but I hope that at some point in the future, you will be able to revisit the work we have produced and experience a strong sense of accomplishment and legacy. It has been an honor serving as one of your Print Editors-in-Chief.

Wally Lan

2020-21 Editor-in-Chief, Print

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