If you are interested in having an advertisement in The Matador newspaper, please contact any one of the Business Managers found below.
On-print Advertising prices: (Subject to change)
10% discount for 3 or more issues.
$30 additional fee for color unless noted otherwise
$15 additional fee for an Online Advertisement
Advertisement Design: $25
Full page: 16 inches x 10 inches – $250 + $80 for color
Half page: 8 inches x 10 inches – $150 + $50 for color
Quarter page: 8 inches x 5 inches – $90
Business Card: 2 inches x 3.5 inches – $40
Other sizes:
- 5 inches x 6.6 inches – $80
- 5 inches x 5 inches – $70
- 5 inches x 4.3 inches – $60
- 5 inches x 3 inches – $50
- 4 inches x 3.2 inches – $50
- 6 inches x 3.2 inches – $60
Size not listed? Please contact any one of the Business Managers found below.
Inserts (1,600 flyers) – $150* ( Flyers must be supplied by the advertiser )
Online Advertising: $20 per month
Business Managers:
Kylie Chung
Joseph Cho