Key Clubbers prepare for Fall Rally South
As Fall Rally South approaches, both Division 10 South and the school branch of Key Club have been working hard to prepare their members for the annual event. The teams have been hosting fundraisers, divisional council meetings, and other events for members to meet their Fall Rally requirements. On top of that, spirit sessions have been held at parks and on the school campus so members can get accustomed to the chants and build a sense of community with other key clubbers. It is customary to wear merch and show off spirit at Fall Rally South. The Division Leadership Team has worked hard to make spirit packs that include: heart glasses, bandanas, pom-poms, and headbands (which sold out in a day). Although the school branch of Key Club has officially pulled out of Fall Rally South, key clubbers still have the option to go along with Mark Keppel High School. Fall Rally South was held on Nov. 12 at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Through their spirit chants, the key clubbers will be competing against other divisions in order to win the spirit stick.