Federal funding improves schools

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Titles are a federal act that provides funds for financial assistance to schools to help improve class curriculum, student education, and teacher and staff quality. Some Titles are meant to help at-risk students, which may include students who are low-income or have attendance, academic, or behavioral issues. How these funds are spent is decided by the School Site Council (SSC), which determines what materials are in demand. The SSC will prioritize funding to whichever department needs the most improvement.

Title I: provides funds for financial assistance to school with high percentages of children from low income families.

Funding must be spent on students that are failing or at risk of failing. If children from low-income families make up at least 40% of enrolled students, then the funds may be used on schoolwide programs.

At SGHS, Title I funds are allocated to supplemental education programs including PODER, a senior year class meant to help students in the college application process; Acellus, a credit-recovery program; and After School Academic Progress (ASAP) tutoring. Title I funds are specifically used to pay certificated employee salaries for these programs.

Title II: provides funds intended to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality.

Funds can be used for professional development, improving teacher quality (new teachers, teacher retention, professional development) or for the need of capable principals and assistant principals to serve as effective school leaders.

Title III: provides funds intended to ensure that English Learners meet proficiency and state academic standards. 

Funds can be used for professional development and language instruction programs.

In AUSD, Title III funds are often used to send employees to conferences regarding English instruction. They have also been used to fund English Learner programs in the summer.

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