Kylie Chung

Name: Kylie Chung

Grade: 11

Position: Features Editor, Business Manager

Favorite book: One of Us is Lying

Favorite movie or TV show: I don’t have a favorite tv show but I love Marvel movies.

Favorite song: Freeze Your Brain

Favorite food: Sushi

Pets I have: I have a dog named Bebe!

Three words to describe me: Emotional, confused, and eager

Biggest goal: I want to be able to be able to stay genuinely happy as I get older.

My inspiration: My family

Important quote to me: “Be crazy, be weird, be stupid. Be anything you want because life’s too short to be anything but happy.”

Reason for joining newspaper: I wanted to meet new people and talk/interview others about their interests and what they’re passionate in.

What I’m most excited for as a newspaper member: Meeting new people