College, Career Center efficiently advises amid pandemic
Among the many school groups that were forced to adapt to an online environment, the College and Career Center (CCC) stands out as one of the most well-adjusted. The CCC advisers are successful in providing as much assistance to students as they did during a conventional school year.
The CCC regularly distributes information that assists students with achieving their high school and future goals. Many opportunities that were once in person are now virtual. By sharing how students can participate in such events, the CCC prevents students from being uninformed. Without their guidance, many students would miss out on opportunities for honing essential career and education skills. The CCC also has the role of notifying students about saving money. By consistently telling students about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, as well as scholarship and internship opportunities, the advisers not only save students up to thousands of dollars, but they also emphasize the importance of taking initiative with their education.
Through a variety of platforms, the CCC counselors are ensuring that they maintain constant communication with students. Those who need more details than provided on the CCC’s Instagram, Remind, Google Classroom, and website can schedule appointments with counselors through Zoom. While ensuring that students are on the right track to success, the counselors also check up on students’ emotional well-being. Due to their continuous efforts to reach out, students who feel overwhelmed are provided the academic and emotional support they need.
While the CCC does a thorough job of communicating with students about opportunities, few actually get involved. When event dates and times conflict with students’ schedules, there is a lack of participation, putting into question the effectiveness of the CCC’s efforts. That being said, it is up to students to take advantage of the resources given to them. Dates are often provided beforehand so that students can determine what works for their schedule. Students who are looking for particular events or information can directly contact the advisers for help as well.
The purpose of the CCC is to present students with opportunities and information needed to advance in college and the workforce. Even in an unorthodox environment, the advisers have gone above and beyond to complete this task.